June 10, 2013

The View from Within

graphite drawing
     Recently someone mentioned to me something that they heard Lily Tomlin say on a radio show.  I am not sure if the quote is correct but it went something like this "reality is nothing more than a collective hunch".  I found it interesting that this came up as I was finishing the drawing above since it seems to relate.  My idea for the picture came from thinking about the saying "a bird's eye view".  Discussing the nature of reality can easily take you down a philosophy rabbit hole which often leads to more disorienting questions than answers. (It seems it takes a comedian to successfully bring such stuff up in general conversation outside the academic classroom.)  Drawing itself can be an exploration of the nature of reality---sometimes what we see conflicts with what we think makes sense.  I wonder in our experience does any view besides our inner one exist?  How often are we aware of this?  Is this freeing or confining?

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