October 30, 2011

Pen Sketches & Devils of the Tasmanian type

Here are a few pen sketches of possible subject matter for a new project.  I have a tendency to avoid working with mediums that aren't easily fixable when you make mistakes....gotta get over this.
Interesting fact about Tasmanian devils--they are on the decline due to something called (DFTD) Devil Facial Tumor Disease, a transmissible cancer, meaning that it is contagious among the species.  Transmissible cancer is rare in humans.  It spreads from one "devil" to another "devil" by bite wounds that occur when fighting.  Devils with the disease develop tumors on the face and mouth, are eventually unable to eat, and starve to death---a horrible way to go.
 Just naive speculation on my part,  but it is interesting that individuals who fight less may be more likely to survive and pass on their peaceful(?) genes.  Typically Nature seems to be unconcerned with moral goals but here might be a case where peace is favored.  Ironically the devils may be evolving into angels after a few Darwinian generations...?
By the way, if you ever listen to a recording of the noise a tasmanian devil makes will understand why they've been given their unfortunate name.

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